WATCH: Liberals Will Sign Petition Protecting Unborn Eagles, Refuse Petition Protecting Unborn Babies

September 6, 2019

A new video displayed the hypocrisy of abortion supporters when they eagerly signed a petition to protect unborn eagles but refused to sign another supporting protections for unborn human babies.

Will Witt of PragerU presented his petitions to people in Echo Park in Los Angeles recently and filmed their reactions, the Daily Wire reports.

Witt found a number of people who were enthusiastic about his petition to protect eagle eggs.

“We have a petition to stop the killing of eagles, like eagle eggs, people disturb them or they destroy them,” he said in the video. “These eagles haven’t been born yet, they have rights, ya know? We don’t think they should be harmed and we think that there should be harsher penalties for those kind of things. Would you guys agree?”

Many did.

“Yes, of course,” two young women responded. A third told him, “Don’t kill eagles. … Eagles are people, too!”

“Best of luck, I hope you save the eagles,” another person said.

Then, Witt introduced his second petition, which called for protections for unborn human babies.

“We have one other petition about stopping the killing of humans, too — like, babies,” he said to the same people who signed his first petition.

“Wait, no,” one of the young women responded. “I don’t agree with that. I’m, like, pro-abortion, sorry.”

Another initially misunderstood the petition, saying, “Uh, I hate the killing of babies!” However, when she realized the petition was about abortion, she said she supports abortion.

“We want to protect their rights, too, even though they’re unborn,” Witt said.

But another responded: “Oh, no, I don’t agree. I fully support abortion.”

“Why do you support not the killing of unborn eagles but the killing of unborn children?” Witt asked.

“Uh, I think it’s the woman’s decision,” one woman told him. “A human woman should have more rights probably than a bald eagle.”

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The situation that Witt posed is not hypothetical. Bald eagle eggs have more protections under U.S. law than unborn babies. It is illegal to destroy a bald eagle egg under the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and the maximum fine is $250,000.

And it’s not just endangered unborn animals that are being protected. Earlier this year, a pro-abortion Democrat from New Jersey introduced a bill to protect unborn cows from being slaughtered, arguing that it causes additional stress for their mothers.

State Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly, who recently was honored by the Planned Parenthood abortion chain, said of his bill, “It’s the right thing to do to protect our animals and unborn animals.”

Meanwhile, nearly 1 million unborn human babies are aborted in America annually. In some states, they may be aborted for any reason up to birth, including because of sex-selection.

Please click here to read the full story.
Author: Micaiah Bilger

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  1. God declares all mankind sinners and we all fall short of Glory of God. Romans 3:23
  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
  3. But God…because he loved you so much sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in your place, for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later. 1 Cor 15:1-42cor 5:21

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Romans 10:9

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