Editor’s Note: The holocaust of our time has become little more than business as usual. From the abortionists like Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts to the final incineration of the remaining deemed useless bits and pieces of unwanted children in this country. A well oiled machine, a “back-room” system exists from start to finish in the annihilation of the most vulnerable today, the unborn. The following article gives the reader a glimpse into the “sterile” world of what remains of the unwanted children in this country…nothing more than ashes.
[Heather Clark | Christian News] An investigation out of Georgia has confirmed that the medical waste giant Stericycle is burning the bodies of aborted babies at its North Carolina incineration plant. The mounting evidence of the ongoing operation, which has been characterized as a “modern-day Auschwitz,” further documents the corporate collaboration in the systematic annihilation of unwanted children.
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) recently investigated a report of concern that A Preferred Women’s Health Center of Augusta could be improperly disposing of aborted babies as Stericycle is the only company picking up at the facility and it claims that does not dispose of aborted “fetuses.”
The facility is part of a chain encompassing four different locations, which are also in Raleigh and Charlotte, North Carolina, as well as Atlanta, Georgia.
According to Steven Smith, a local Christian who seeks to reach mothers outside of the facility, Stericycle visits the abortion facility every six weeks for pickup.
However, in a 2017 letter to the pro-life group Created Equal, Stericycle CEO Charles Alutto claimed that the company doesn’t accept aborted babies due to its waste acceptance policy, and that several years prior, the company also began requiring abortion facilities to submit a “supplemental assurance” that they have another licensed provider to dispose of the “fetuses.”
“We have previously informed you and continue to maintain that Stericycle does not accept fetal remains,” Alutto wrote, pointing to the company’s waste acceptance policy.
“Beyond our policy, for women’s healthcare facilities that may provide certain procedures, we require supplemental assurances in writing that they have licensed providers for fetal remains,” he stated. “When customers are not willing to provide this certification, we do not provide services.”
According to information posted on the EPD website, a representative with the agency drove to A Preferred Women’s Health Center to find out if the abortion facility is following state law regarding fetus disposal. It was confirmed by facility manager Paula Clark and administrator Calla Hales that Stericycle is its sole medical waste transporter.
“[Clark] stated that Stericycle does pick up all of their biomedical waste at one time about once a month,” the investigator wrote.
“Ms. Hales proceeded to give me the Stericycle customer weight report and the clinic’s waste disposal policy. Afterwards she showed me the new sharps storage, filled sharps storage, and the tissue storage. All of which are labeled ‘biohazard.’ She also provided me the customer support number for Stericycle,” she documented.
The investigator took a photograph of the exterior of the freezer where the aborted babies are stored until Stericycle arrives.
The disposal policy for the facility, which was uploaded with the investigation results, also reads, “Lab-regulated medical waste is packed for transport and placed in a freezer used exclusively for medical waste. The regulated waste remains frozen until the time of regularly scheduled pick up and transport as directed by Stericycle.”
The Stericycle weight report shows total “waste” pickup weighing 30.9, 38, 43 and 46 pounds on various pickup dates in 2018, with the latest pickup being on Jan. 24 and weighing at 27.4 pounds.
The investigator then contacted Stericycle for additional information. The office of Selin Hoboy, the vice president for regulatory affairs at Stericycle’s corporate office, submitted documentation to the EPD that showed that A Preferred Women’s Health Center’s “waste” is transported to North Carolina for incineration.
“It was confirmed that all of the biomedical waste that is picked up from the clinic is taken to a site that is an incinerator and that the facility has an air permit through the state of North Carolina,” the investigator wrote.
View the Georgia EPD investigative report in full here.
The incinerator referred to in the report is a plant located in Graham, North Carolina, which is referred to in documents as Haw River.
Campaign to Stop Stericycle (CSS), which has been investigating and compiling evidence since 2011 of Stericycle’s “collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children and the instruments used to kill them,” has repeatedly decried the company’s incineration of aborted babies in North Carolina and its other locations nationwide. It compares the matter to the fires of Auschwitz during the days of the Holocaust and the allied collaboration in the “mass annihilation of unwanted persons.”
“Babies who are being murdered in numerous states are continually shipped by Stericycle to the incineration chambers to be burned with other medical garbage. This vivid picture is eerily reminiscent of the Holocaust that took place in Nazi Germany when the bodies of gassed Jews were burned in ovens,” said CSS Director Michael Marcavage. “The abortion holocaust is being perpetuated around the world because of companies like Stericycle that provide the vital services to keep these modern-day death camps, called ‘abortion clinics,’ open.”
“Stericycle must stop denying that it is disposing of aborted babies for financial gain—as it is not even following its own waste acceptance policy. It is hard to believe that an international corporation that prides itself in the safe disposal of dangerous hazardous waste, and expects to be trusted in doing so, doesn’t know that its own trucks are hauling away aborted babies for incineration in violation of its own stated policy,” he added. “It is time for the medical waste giant to stop lying to its investors, customers and those who raise concerns, and sever its ties to the abortion industry once and for all.”
Marcavage noted that without the collaboration of companies like Stericycle, the abortion industry could not continue to operate and would collapse. Recalling the lack of outcry during the Jewish Holocaust, he urged Christians not to let history repeat itself by looking away or remaining silent in the face of evil.
“In a day and age where there is so much indifference and apathy among religious professors toward the ongoing abortion holocaust, which has resulted in the deaths of millions upon millions of children, the biblical commands to love thy neighbor and to be a voice for the voiceless remain clear and unavoidable,” he said. “Christians must act now and speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, as the Scriptures instruct, and they can start with a call to Stericycle’s CEO.”
[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Heather Clark and originally published at the Christian News. Title changed by P&P.]
[Editor’s Note: The posting of this article is not intended as an endorsement of Christian News.net]

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Author: Cherie Vandermillen