by Unreal Post | Jul 17, 2020 | Abortion
Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler criticized Democrats on Tuesday for allowing infanticide to continue when they rejected an amendment requiring basic medical care for babies who survive abortions. The Washington state Republican, who has her own pro-life miracle...
by Unreal Post | Jul 6, 2020 | Abortion
Undercover investigators said they caught the two biggest abortion chains in England putting women’s lives in danger by sending abortion drugs through the mail without doing basic health checks. The investigation, released this week, involved the British...
by Unreal Post | Jul 6, 2020 | Abortion
A pro-life organization in Kansas has issued an endorsement for President Donald Trump, saying he has done more to protect babies from abortion than any president in the history of the nation. Kansans for Life is urging pro-life voters to support Trump against...
by Unreal Post | Jul 6, 2020 | Abortion
A pro-life billboard in New Zealand has some Black Lives Matter activists upset because it uses the phrase “Both Lives Matter” in reference to a mother and her unborn baby. Newshub reports the Black Lives Matter activists claimed pro-lifers wrongly...
by Unreal Post | Jul 6, 2020 | Abortion
What was supposed to be a medical discussion on Friday’s edition of CNN Newsroom transformed into a full-blown partisan attack on President Trump. Rather than offer medical analysis, CNN medical analyst Dr. Celine Gounder used her platform to add to...