by National News | Mar 29, 2019 | Christian Persecution
03/24/2019 Vietnam (International Christian Concern) – Religious minorities in communist Vietnam are facing systematic discrimination due to their faith. UN needs to step in to address the issue, according to a human rights group. At the 40th session of the UN Human...
by National News | Mar 28, 2019 | Trending
With guns drawn and a search warrant in hand, a Chandler, Arizona SWAT team busted down the front door of a family home to remove a toddler with a fever. Hours earlier, the father… Go to Source Author: Cherie...
by National News | Mar 28, 2019 | Trending
By Toni S. Brown The White Horse Inn continues to promote gay “Christians,” producing a one year study on the book of John with each episode hosted by either White Horse Inn (WHI) producer Shane Rosenthal or founder Michael Horton, co-hosted by Sam Allberry....
by National News | Mar 28, 2019 | Trending
[Molly Prince | The Daily Caller] Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee delivered a speech on the Senate floor arguing against the Green New Deal. Lee displayed a picture of President Ronald Reagan firing a… Go to Source Author: Cherie...
by National News | Mar 28, 2019 | Trending
Dr. Willie Parker, the chair of the Board of Physicians for Reproductive Health known for his blatant remarks and cavalier descriptions of abortion has been accused of sexual misconduct by Candace Russell, a pro-abortion… Go to Source Author: Cherie...