Abortion Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019

Franklin Graham: 2020—A Nation on the Brink

In the next few weeks, President Donald Trump will speak before Congress for his fourth State of the Union address. There have been numerous unprecedented accomplishments that this administration has achieved over the past three years—critically, the appointment of...
Abortion Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019

2020: A Year of Decision

In the early months of 2017, Don Vander Boon took notice when the newly minted Trump administration proclaimed loudly and clearly that religious liberty within federal government operations would, once again, be respected. In eight years under the previous...
Abortion Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019

Living in a Parallel Universe

When Sandra Merritt discovered that Planned Parenthood abortion affiliates were harvesting baby body parts, she met with the perpetrators and filmed the conversations. The videos shocked the world.  As a result, committees in both the U.S. House and Senate recommended...
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