by Unreal Post | May 29, 2020 | China, Christian Persecution
The coronavirus that devastated China’s population hasn’t stopped the communist government from shutting down and even razing churches across the country. The persecution has impacted state-run churches and underground house churches alike, according to the watchdog...
by Unreal Post | May 28, 2020 | Christian Persecution, Donald Trump
CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION: THE ‘EVIL CALLED BARACK OBAMA’ AND THE GENOCIDAL SLAUGHTER OF NIGERIAN CHRISTIANS As Christians in Nigeria continue to face harsh persecution by Islamic extremist groups, 2 Republican senators want President Trump to take action. According to...
by Unreal Post | May 22, 2020 | Christian Persecution
Being a Christian in North Korea means using secretive, spylike tactics to read the Bible, facing threats of the death penalty, and circumventing propaganda with tales of believers harvesting organs, according to persecution watchdog groups. Ministries have been...
by Unreal Post | May 19, 2020 | Christian Persecution, Coronavirus, Tyranny
First and foremost, How can you “ANYONE” any leader, vow to take action against God’s elect? This isn’t said and done out of ignorance. They know God, Scripture is clear that God has manifested Himself to the world and we all know! This...
by Unreal Post | May 14, 2020 | China
Only the Demonic Abortion Industry Has Murdered More Lives than China That being said these two entities and their supporters have at their core a common motivator that drives their irrational hatred for life and the celebration of death. They hate God. Yes, the...