by Unreal Post | Oct 6, 2020 | Christian Persecution
The U.S. Supreme Court Monday turned down a much-watched case involving a county clerk who opposed same-sex marriage, although two of the justices criticized the U.S. legal system for suggesting Christians with traditional beliefs are bigots. “By choosing to privilege...
by Unreal Post | Sep 30, 2020 | Christian Persecution
A Christian boy has been killed after a woman said to be a radical Muslim opposed to his father’s conversion from Islam sold him and his sister to a witchdoctor for ritual sacrifice, sources said. Sulaiman Pulisi, a former […] Click here to view the...
by Unreal Post | Sep 25, 2020 | Christian Persecution
A school district in Tennessee has deleted a post encouraging residents to park at schools, administration buildings, and bus lots and pray for officials and students alike after receiving a letter from the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation...
by Unreal Post | Sep 22, 2020 | Arizona, Christian Persecution
Kroger (Fry’s Grocery in Arizona) knows what the law is! Don’t think for a second that this isn’t a deliberate attack on Christianity. Christians must always keep uppermost in their minds that the unsaved world hates them because they first...
by Unreal Post | Sep 18, 2020 | Christian Persecution
According to USCIRF, violations of the religious freedom rights of minorities have reached a level that India should be considered amongst the world’s worst violators. In USCIRF’s most recent Annual Report, India’s violations were placed on par with countries like...