Planned Parenthood Fires CEO Leana Wen After 10 Months, Wants More Aggressive Pro-Abortion Leader

July 17, 2019

Planned Parenthood abortion business CEO Leanna Wen has been fired after just 10 months on the job. The abortion corporation wants a more aggressively pro-abortion activist as its leader as it heads into the crucial 2020 presidential election.

According to the New York Times, the Planned Parenthood board engaged in “hours of negotiations”and ultimately canned Wen, citing the need for a “more aggressive political leader.”

Alexis McGill Johnson has been named as interim president of its political arm Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

“I am proud to step in to serve as acting president and facilitate a smooth leadership transition in this critical moment for Planned Parenthood and the patients and communities we serve,’’ McGill Johnson said in a statement. “I thank Dr. Wen for her service and her commitment to patients.”

In a statement, Wen says she is leaving the nation’s biggest abortion company because she says it’s too political and not focused enough on healthcare. The decision is somewhat surprising given that the Planned Parenthood abortion business has been doing everything possible to try to make itself appear as a legitimate healthcare organization as opposed to a political abortion corporation in bed with Democrats.

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Leading pro-life advocates said the reshuffle at Planned Parenthood won’t change their strenuous opposition.

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins told LifeNews: “The musical chairs at the top of the nation’s number one abortion vendor will not change the pro-life commitment to confronting them in court, in the legislatures and on the campaign trail. Women don’t need what Planned Parenthood is selling. Pregnancy is not a disease cured by abortion, and with federally qualified health centers standing by to offer true, full-service healthcare, women have lots of options that don’t include abortion.”

Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life added: “I am not at all surprised that Planned Parenthood apparently wants to replace a leader who is a healthcare professional with someone who is more aggressive politically. They pass themselves off as a healthcare organization, but are instead a political machine pumping tens of millions of dollars into races for radical Democrat candidates who will protect the Planned Parenthood baby-killing agenda.

“The 2020 elections have begun,” Father Pavone said, “what else can Planned Parenthood be expected to do?”

Wen started her job as the CEO of Planned Parenthood last September and immediately began misleading people about abortions. She quickly called killing babies in abortions “lifesaving work.”

She immediately came under fire because she is an Asian-American who has refused to condemn sex selection abortions in her native country of China.

She also came under fire because she volunteered at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in St Louis that has injured over 75 women in botched abortions. The Planned Parenthood Abortion Center is so bad that it failed multiple Missouri State Health Department inspections and it’s in danger of permanently losing its medical license, an action that would make Missouri the first state in the country to have no operating abortion businesses.

Wen repeatedly claimed that abortion is healthcare and a fundamental human right, something that do the ire of pro-life advocates nationwide who pointed out that killing human beings can’t be a human right. She also repeatedly lied about and misled Americans concerning women dying from illegal abortions and inflated figures of the number of women who supposedly died before Roe v Wade.

Before becoming CEO, Wen served as the Commissioner of Health for the City of Baltimore and in that capacity she put her pro-abortion views front and center as she attempted to force pregnancy centers that provide women with abortion alternatives and pregnancy options to promote abortions.

Please click here to read the full story.
Author: Steven Ertelt

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  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
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