Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a day about love, but pro-abortion activists have managed twisted it into a celebration of the ugly, hateful act of abortion.
There’s nothing loving about stopping the beating heart of a living human via poisoning or dismemberment. Google “aborted babies” pictures and try to tell me abortion is all hearts and roses. Abortion is body parts and blood and has no place on a lighthearted day of romance and fun.
NARAL Pro-Choice WA tweeted a traditional Valentine’s Day poem that started off in the usual cute way, then got decidedly unromantic, “Roses are red, Violets are blue, Abortion is healthcare, & should be accessible TOO. – Happy #ValentinesDay from Team NARAL.”
Abortion advocates made it all about themselves and their favorite topic. Advocates For Youth tweeted, “Sending love and support to our abortion storytellers, and anyone who’s had an abortion this #ValentinesDay. A special shout out to abortion rights champions on the front lines of this fight every day.” They attached two images of bizarre pro-abortion Valentines that read: “Roses are red, violets are blue, if you want an abortion that decision is up to you” and “Abortion is healthcare, violets are blue, we’ll win this fight because of heroes like you!”
Shout Your Abortion book co-author Danielle Campoamor tweeted the latter image and said, “This #ValentinesDay, I’m sending a big thank you to the abortion storytellers and abortion rights champions on the front lines of this fight every day. I love you & cant imagine where we’d be without you all.”
Keeping with the theme, NARAL Pro-Choice Georgia tweeted an image of “love messages” like “my body, my choice,” “abortion is healthcare!” “Pro-freedom, pro-justice, pro-choice,” and “you love someone who has had an abortion:”
Planned Parenthood Texas Votes tweeted, “Let’s have a romantic day…rallying for reproductive rights. Happy Valentine’s Day!!” alongside three protest themed cartoons with the worst pickup lines and date ideas ever: “You had me at reproductive justice.” “Be mine … and let’s rally at the Capitol together.” “If you want to get with me, you gotta get with Planned Parenthood.”
SIGN THE PETITION Stop Infanticide! Stop Abortions Up to Birth!
The ChicagoAbortionFund was also all about the romance and true meaning of the holiday, tweeting, “What fun is #ValentinesDay if you’re not talking about #reproductivejustice and funding abortion? ;)” Riiiiight. They attached flowery messages like, “Roses are red, violets are blue, I want to fund abortion access with you,” because the couple that funds death together stays together, apparently.
There was far too much love for the abortionists who literally break and tear hearts apart every day.
NARAL tweeted, “Sending our love to all the abortion providers and clinic staff who come to work every day to ensure their patients have the freedom to decide if, when, or how to start or grow their families! Happy #ValentinesDay!” with a Happy Valentine’s Day heart image with the words “To the brave abortion providers and clinic staff across the country” underneath.
Physicians for Reproductive Health sent out a series of tweets where their partners filled in the blank “I love ___ because ____” and they made their love for all things abortion clear, including, “Fellow Dr. Rachel Cannon loves providing abortion care for her patients because #AbortionIsHealthcare” and “For #ValentinesDay, Fellow @hollybullockmph is sending love to abortion providers because they trust their patients to make their best decision for their families.”
The National Abortion Federation tweeted, “When you work with members like ours, every day feels like #ValentinesDay! #WeLoveAbortionProviders.” Sick, it’s more like every day is like Halloween at the abortion clinic.
Of course, the pro-aborts also seized the opportunity to use Valentine’s Day to fundraise for more blood money.
In their celebration of “love, romance and sex,” Planned Parenthood went after Vice President Mike Pence again, urging people to “break his heart and make a donation in his name.” Planned Parenthood breaks thousands of hearts every single day, those of babies, their mothers, their families, and people of conscience everywhere.
The Yellowhammer Fund, which provides funds for abortions in Alabama, tweeted, “Abortion is healthcare. Abortion is a human right. Without abortion access, pregnant people, children, and families suffer. This isn’t about politics. This is about life. Fund our work at #ReproJustice #FundAbortionBuildPower”
The Guttmacher Institute, the former research arm of Planned Parenthood, offered lame Valentines saying things like “Roses are red, The facts are conclusive, Reproductive health policy should not be preclusive,” as the “perfect” Valentine’s Day gift for “a loved one” in exchange for donations:
Finally, Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates actually asked for love letters from their fans, “On this #ValentinesDay, we’re sending all our love to the ppl who make our work possible. This is a love letter to them, created by one of our (many) amazing supporters. Want to share the love? Write your own love letter here:”
In the end, love – and lots and lots of prayer – is the only way we can overcome this culture of death.
LifeNews Note: Alexa Coombs writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared.
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Author: Alexa Moutevelis Coombs