Feminists Set Car on Fire Outside Pro-Life Church as Retaliation for Organizing Pro-Life Event

February 7, 2020

All across the world, pro-life advocates are being persecuted for standing up for the rights of unborn babies.

In Germany, a group of radical pro-abortion feminists are bragging about a spate of attacks on pro-life individuals and institutions, including vandalizing two churches and setting fire to a pro-life writer’s vehicle, the National Catholic Register reports.

A group called the Feminists Autonomous Cell has been taking credit for the attacks on a blog. However, authorities have not been able to identify or arrest anyone yet, according to the report.

Early in January, LifeNews reported about the arson against Gunnar Schupelius, a conservative pro-life blogger and columnist for the Berlin newspaper BZ. In their blog online, the pro-abortion feminists took credit for setting Schupelius’s vehicle on fire on Dec. 31 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf. The blog also identified where Schupelius lives with his children, likely a means of further intimidating him.

Since then, the Catholic news outlet identified three additional attacks that the pro-abortion feminists took credit for.

One, on Dec. 27, targeted an evangelical church in Tübingen, Germany. The feminists confessed to vandalizing the church with spray-paint and setting a vehicle on fire outside the church, according to the report.

Here’s more from the report:

The following week, the “Feminist Autonomus Cell” vandalized another church, this time in Berlin. The church, St. Elisabeth, is located in the city’s Schoneberg district.

On the night of January 8-9, paint was thrown at the church building. Later, a letter was posted online that explained the paint attack was in response to the church hosting participants during the March for Life, an event held annually in September.

St. Elisabeth’s hosted the pre-march event “Impact Congress 2019.” The event was aimed to connect pro-life activists throughout Europe. This, according to the vandals, was unacceptable. In the letter taking credit for the attack, the vandals said that the March for Life serves as a platform for “fundamentalist, anti-trans, homophobic, anti-Semitic, mysoginist, patriarchal and right-wing conservative” speakers, and therefore they the attack was legitimate.

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They used similar language to justify their attack on Schupelius in December.

Pro-life advocates increasingly are being persecuted for advocating for unborn babies’ right to life. LifeNews reported more than 100 incidents in 2019, including arson, assaults, death threats and numerous acts of vandalism.

Already this year, LifeNews has documented more incidents targeting pro-life advocates. They are:

Florida – Abortion Advocates Destroy Display of 1,000 Flags to Mourn Babies Killed in Abortions

Indiana – Pro-Life Ads Vandalized in South Bend, Second Time in 3 Months

Washington, D.C. – Abortion Activist Threatens to Slit Pro-Life Student’s Throat at March for Life (Students for Life)

Guam – ‘Protect Unborn Babies’ Display Vandalized at Catholic Church (KUAM News)

Mississippi – Cross Display Vandalized, Crosses for Unborn Smashed into Pieces

Germany – Radical Pro-Abortion Feminists Set Pro-Life Columnist’s Vehicle on Fire

Please click here to read the full story.
Author: Micaiah Bilger

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  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
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