As the election approaches, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer continues to be vague on the issue of pre-born human rights. “Instead of any clear statement, Scheer has chosen to fall back on not ‘re-opening’ the debate, as if this debate isn’t already happening all over Canada right now,” said Tabitha Ewert, legal counsel for We Need a Law. “We are not sitting around waiting for politicians to open this debate – it’s happening. Their choice is how they want to participate in this debate.”
Every other party leader has been forthright with the Canadian public on their position regarding the legality of abortion. And yet, there is a lot of confusion over where Andrew Scheer stands.
“The latest issue in Quebec suggests that he views pre-born children – those who lose their lives to abortion – as a political liability,” said Ewert. “Why is he scared to have people know whether he stands for protecting pre-born children or not? Nobody benefits from this vague stance. Canadians deserve to know what a Conservative government would allow before deciding where to cast their vote.”
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“Individual Canadians are having this conversation. They are talking about the fact that Canada is the only democratic country with no abortion law,” stressed Ewert. “Canadians want clarity from their political leaders as to whether they will support legislation that protects pre-born children. It does not benefit Scheer to ride the fence here, indicating some support to pro-life groups while distancing himself from the issue publicly. We want to see him clarify where he actually stands, and what could happen in the Conservative party regarding legislation that would protect pre-born children.”

Photos Andre Forget / OLO
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Author: Mike Schouten