While some sports teams are angering fans with their support of abortion, others are standing strong for unborn babies’ right to life.
On Jan. 11, Chicago Bears vice president Pat McCaskey will be a keynote speaker at the March for Life Chicago. A devout Catholic and pro-life advocate, McCaskey is the chairman of Sports Faith International. He has spoken at the March for Life Chicago in the past as well.
The March for Life Chicago is the largest pro-life gathering in the Midwest, with thousands of people marching peacefully each year for the rights of unborn babies.
“Furious that Illinois legislators have made this state an abortion oasis for the Midwest, pro-life advocates from across the country are empowered to come together in a joyful gathering knowing we can build a brighter future,” said March for Life Chicago Board President Dawn Fitzpatrick.
She said they expect to see their largest crowd yet on Jan. 11, and they have planned for the additional numbers. To accommodate more people, the march opening rally has been moved to the Daley Plaza.
“This expansion gives participants the opportunity to connect with companies, organizations, and other individuals from across the country who share their values. Now, they will depart ready to take further action in their own communities,” Fitzpatrick said.
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Other speakers at the march include abortion survivor Claire Culwell, Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod President Dr. Rev. Matthew Harrison, Loyola University Medical Center’s Dr. Karen Deighan, Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler, and weDignify Student Leader Alex Lehan.
The march is slated to begin at 1 p.m Jan. 11 at Daley Plaza, 50 W Washington, Chicago, IL 60602. The theme for 2020 is “Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman.”
Thousands of pro-lifers from Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, and Missouri are expected to attend.
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Author: Micaiah Bilger