Nancy Pelosi and Democrats Push Bill to Overturn Every Pro-Life Law Saving Babies From Abortions

February 16, 2020

Imagine knocking out more than 500 pro-life laws in a single shot. It sounds too horrible to be true — except that in this House of radicals, nothing is impossible. When Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) dropped her bill, the ridiculously named Women’s Health Protection Act, it was like loading a deadly missile — aimed at all 50 states.

“We face a five-alarm fire in the danger to women’s reproductive rights,” Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) barked at a press conference. “We need to command the urgency and immediacy that all of our lives are at risk.” Lives are at risk, all right — but not his. If Chu and her 215 co-cosponsors ever passed H.R. 2975, it would be the single most devasting vote on the unborn yet. It’s so sweeping, Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) warned, that even the original Roe v. Wade ruling was tame by comparison. Those justices, he said, “never envisioned the extreme position reflected in this bill.” We’re talking about, he paused, “overturning nearly all federal and state limitations on abortion…” Everything pro-lifers have worked for literally decades would be eradicated — along with hundreds of votes in statehouses all across America.

“The whole point of living in a democracy is that your vote matters,” Americans United for Life argued. “What the House is considering would void democratically-enacted health and safety protections for more than 100 million Americans.” Congressman (and doctor) Andy Harris (R-Md.) talked about the aftershocks of this Thursday on “Washington Watch.“ As we pointed out, if this legislation went into effect — and it could if Democrats control of the Senate and White House — then all of the pro-life laws at the state level would be eliminated. We’re talking about elective abortions for any reason, right up to the moment of birth, at taxpayer’s expense. It would torpedo even the barest protections — like limits on painful late-term abortions, informed consent, even commonsense safety standards — things a majority of Americans, regardless of their party, support.

It’s not all that surprising, Dr. Harris shook his head, when you consider how far outside the mainstream the Democratic Party is. “You know, even the so-called ‘moderates’ like Mayor Pete, can’t bring himself to say that… late-term abortion should be outlawed or that the born-alive act should become law… [T]hey’re as radical as they can be.” But in this case, what the House is suggesting is “inventing a new constitutional right without the two-thirds majority necessary [to pass an amendment], plus the ratification of the states.” And if Americans want to stop them, he insisted, “It all comes down to November.”

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“…[I]f it gets to the floor,” Harris agreed, “I think it will have the votes to pass. Thank goodness that Mitch McConnell in the Senate will never consider it. And of course, the president would never sign the bill. But this is a radical House… driven by the extreme Left-wing of the Democrat Party.” And for once, he pointed out, they may not have the courts on their side.

“We’re seeing now… how important it is that President Trump has appointed and confirmed over 190 judges, including two Supreme Court judges… In the next president’s term [whether it’s President Trump or someone else], there are likely going to be two appointments at least. And if those two appointments are liberal judges, then we’re going to revert to the old days of the courts inventing a right to abortion in the Constitution. If President Trump is reelected, I think we’re going to have a 6-3 majority… [and] a good chance that they will turn over abortion law back to the states where truly belongs.”

Over in the Senate, it’s night and day. While the House tries to disenfranchise voters and bulldoze state laws, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is pushing back with two pro-life bills of their own. One, a no-brainer for anyone with a scrap of decency, would order doctors to treat abortion survivors like patients when they’re born alive. It has absolutely nothing to do with abortion, as multiple senators argued during an emotional hearing this week — but that hasn’t stopped Democrats from fighting it. They’d rather embrace infanticide than admit that abortion survivors are people. It’s a horrifying position — one that Americans will get a good long look at it when McConnell holds a vote.

The second bill is one pro-lifers have been eyeing for years: the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. In a nod to President Trump, who called for outlawing barbaric late-term abortions in his State of the Union speech, McConnell may be bringing the 20-week ban up for a vote as early as February 24. Although the media would never let on, the idea of limiting abortion to the first trimester is an overwhelmingly popular idea (everywhere, it seems, but Democratic headquarters). Sixty-percent of Americans, Gallup found, want to limit abortion to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This bill is even less restrictive — outlawing it when science says that babies can feel the excruciating pain of their execution.

The good news is, voters are about to see where Democrats stand on two very fundamental bills. The bad news is, we can already know what it will be. Contact your senators and urge them to vote yes on born-alive and pain capable protections!

LifeNews Note: Tony Perkins is the president of the Family Research Council.

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Author: Tony Perkins

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  1. God declares all mankind sinners and we all fall short of Glory of God. Romans 3:23
  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
  3. But God…because he loved you so much sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die in your place, for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later. 1 Cor 15:1-42cor 5:21

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Romans 10:9

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