Catholic Bishop Slams Democrat Presidential Candidates: “All of Them are Pro-Abortion”

February 7, 2020

Frustration with the Democratic Party’s extreme pro-abortion agenda is growing.

On Wednesday, Rhode Island Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin joined a crowd of voices in questioning the party’s allegiance to the abortion industry, rather than its own voters, Breitbart reports.

“As the presidential primary shifts to New England, it’s sad to note that all of the major Democratic candidates are pro-abortion, supporting even partial-birth abortion,” Tobin wrote Wednesday on Twitter.

Nearly 1 million unborn babies are aborted every year in America, and Democrat political leaders are pushing for more. All of the top Democratic presidential candidates support abortions without restriction through all nine months of pregnancy and want to force taxpayers to pay for them. Some candidates even have refused to welcome pro-life Democrats into their so-called party of inclusion.

This radical pro-abortion stance is alienating voters, and pro-life leaders who are Democrats have been vocal about their disgust with the party for ignoring Democrat voters’ opinions and advocating for the billion-dollar abortion industry’s agenda instead.

“Where are pro-life Democrats supposed to turn? Or are pro-life voters not welcome in the Democratic party?” Tobin asked Wednesday.

The Democratic Party platform does not even align with moderate voters. In 2012, party leaders removed the word “rare” from the abortion platform, and, in 2016, added language calling for taxpayer-funded abortions. The platform does not support any limits on abortion, even in the third trimester when babies are viable.

Polls consistently show that most Americans, including a large number of Democrats, do not support such extremes. A recent Gallup poll found that 59 percent of Democrats want at least some restrictions on abortion and 29 percent identify as pro-life.

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Another recent poll by Marist found that six in 10 Americans (62%) say that if the Supreme Court revisits Roe v. Wade it should allow states to determine restrictions (46%) or make abortion illegal (16%). Only 33% of Americans say Roe should be interpreted to allow for legal abortion any time without restriction.

More voters are taking notice and making their voices heard.

“I am convinced that the Democratic Party has moved so far away from moral decency that it’s impossible for any Catholic to make the case, in a reasonable way, for why it’s okay for him/her to remain a Democrat, and vote for Democrat politicians,” Catholic author Shane Schaetzel wrote in 2019, according to Breitbart.

Schaetzel asked how any Catholic could, in good conscience, support a politician who advocates for and facilitates “the wholesale slaughter of innocent human life.”

Other frustrated voters include Lizzy Dowd, a pro-life Democrat and Catholic student at Drake University in Iowa. Earlier this week, she told the Catholic News Agency that she is advocating for pro-life language in the Democratic Party platform.

Dowd urged pro-life Democrats to take a stand and stop supporting candidates who advocate for the killing of unborn babies.

“We can’t continue to allow these extremist pro-abortion candidates into office, and keep thinking they’re going to make our culture more pro-life, because you can’t make the culture more pro-life while still allowing these very extreme abortion policies like late-term abortion and partial-birth abortion,” she said.

Kristen Day, the president of Democrats for Life of America, also is a leading voice for change in the Democratic Party. In a recent column for USA Today, she urged pro-life Democrats to take a stand.

“The pro-life movement today is more inclusive than ever. The Democratic Party and its presidential candidates — less so,” she wrote. “I want my party back.”

This week, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops also released a series of videos to encourage Catholics to vote pro-life. The bishops urged voters to make protections for unborn babies a “preeminent priority” at the voting booth this fall.

Please click here to read the full story.
Author: Micaiah Bilger

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  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
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