New Group Offers “Abortion Doulas” to Help Women Feel Better About Killing Their Babies

August 17, 2019

A new Madison, Wisconsin-based pro-abortion group claims it has “no agenda.”

But it is clear, based on a recent Wisconsin State Journal report, that the new “abortion doula” program has a strong pro-abortion bias.

The organizers of Pregnancy Options Wisconsin: Education, Resources and Support (P.O.W.E.R.S.) described their new group as a kind of pro-abortion version of a pro-life pregnancy resource center, offering information about pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion and more. They also run a 24-hour hotline.

The group is “a way to say to all pregnant people in Wisconsin that they deserve all pregnancy options,” Ingrid Andersson, a nurse midwife who helped form the group, told the news outlet.

One of the main things the group does is offer abortion doulas, people trained to provide information and support to women as they go through the abortion process. According to the group’s website, the pro-abortion doulas will assist women in “navigating feelings, options, and logistics around abortion.” They also may go with women to the abortion clinic to show their support.

However, a spokesperson for the Planned Parenthood Wisconsin affiliate said its clinics do not allow doulas into the room during surgical abortions.

“We have no agenda. It is just what that person calling needs it to be,” Andersson said.

That is their claim, but statements from the group leaders indicate otherwise. The so-called “reproductive justice” group treats abortion as if it was just another health care option. It isn’t. An abortion kills an unborn baby – a living, unique human being. But it seems unlikely that these nurses, midwives and doulas will tell women the truth about the risks of abortion and the development of their unborn babies.

On the contrary, two of the group’s members openly celebrated their abortions in comments to the local news — treating the killing of their unborn babies as something good.

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Nina Reynolds, a “full-spectrum doula” and leader of the group, said one of her abortions gave her “this profound sense of liberation, a profound sense of ‘My life has come back tenfold.’”

“It was sort of a revelatory, peak moment, or peak experience, of life,” she said of destroying her unborn baby’s life. “That’s what an abortion can be if it’s well supported.”

Another doula, Ashley Hartman Annis, said she decided to join P.O.W.E.R.S. after thinking about her own abortion two years ago.

“I thought about other people maybe wanting to have an experience that was honored and profound and deep and empowering, and not being able to have that because of the politics around it or needing to have secrecy around it,” she said.

But Heather Weininger, executive director of Wisconsin Right to Life, told the local news that the group is just another “pro-abortion organization.”

“Our culture of death has created a society where those trained to welcome life can throw it away in the same day,” she said in a statement.

Treating an abortion as just another medical procedure is an injustice, not only to babies in the womb, but also to their mothers. Women deserve to know that an abortion destroys a life — the life of their own unique, irreplaceable, living unborn child.

Pro-life pregnancy centers provide women with real support and information, encouraging them to choose life for their unborn babies and empowering them with the resources to do so. Most provide free pregnancy tests, diapers, cribs, car seats, maternity clothes and counseling. Some pro-life organizations provide temporary shelter, food, scholarships and other assistance as well. This is the true support that pregnant mothers and their unborn babies need and deserve, not abortion.

Please click here to read the full story.
Author: Micaiah Bilger

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  1. God declares all mankind sinners and we all fall short of Glory of God. Romans 3:23
  2. The payment for our sin is death. Romans 6:23
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Romans 10:9

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